About Us

In order to support the government’s program in inviting local and foreign investors, The Modern Group decided to utilize its useful experience in real estate and industry development by building The ModernCikande Industrial Estate (MCIE) in early 1991.

The estate is strategically situated in Cikande, Serang, Banten Province; approximately 68 km away from Jakarta, 75 km from Tanjung Priok Harbour and 50 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The MCIE can be accessed via Jakarta-Merak toll road within close proximity to Cikande entrance toll. Nearby Bojonegara Seaport is now under development which will later become the Indonesia’s largest export-import containers port.

The MCIE presents 3,175 hectares of fully-serviced industry zone with good quality infrastructures, best supporting facilities and well-planned estate management.

The MCIE contains more than two hundred seventy of both local and foreign companies. It is home to a wide variety of industries including chemical manufacturers, food processing manufacturers, automotive component producers, shoe components, and many more.

Besides providing well-maintained infrastructures, the estate also provides a one-stop service advising and assisting investors in all aspects of setting up their business in Indonesia. This includes assisting the permit application and submission to the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

A good quality of infrastructures collaborating with best supporting facilities, greenery landscape and well-planned estate management are MCIE’s objectives in order to be one of the best industrial estates in western part of Jakarta.

Last Update

02 September 2024



+62 812 1300 600

+62 811 1588 227